Wednesday, October 20, 2010

5 Day Inferno - Day 2

Day 2 of Inferno - it was really a love hate day. Here's why.

On the workout schedule was Fire 45 AND HIIT 20 AND Stretch 10. I did this after breakfast which was strawberry yogurt and some fruit. I did take a short break (only like 10-15 minutes) between Fire 45 and HIIT 20 because I knew if I wanted longer I probably wouldn't do it. I was able to muster through HIIT 20 and my heart rate monitor told me I burned an amazing 981 calories from that 65 minutes of training.

The down side of the 981 calories is that yesterday I only was to have a total of 1193 calories. So needless to say I started to have a rough time the rest of the day. I was HUNGRY!!!!! I could not wait to have any meal/snack! Everything tasted amazing, you know how it is when you're hungry and you finally get to eat, it's the best food you've ever had.

So, I'll admit it. I cheated. Yes, bash me all you want. I CHEATED! I was only supposed to have 4 oz of salmon at dinner. I had more. Come on!!! You saw how many calories I burned!! I couldn't do it. I was cleaning up after dinner and telling my husband about the cals burned and how I was going to skip going to karate (yes, I decided ANOTHER workout wasn't in the books for me and I actually didn't go to class) and then I looked over at the rest of the fish and thought, I so want to eat you. My husband was no help, he said and I quote him "eat it, it's salmon, you need it." So I did. It was 7 oz of fish I gobbled up.

So, lets hope today is better, but I have to say. I kinda cheated already. I was getting my daughters lunch ready and she wanted PB & celery, as I was pushing the PB off the spoon I licked it off my finger...GASP! I'm not counting that ;) This is the only place I wrote it down, but hey, I wrote it down. So when the 5 days is over and I say, "booo, I only lost X lbs and X inches" you all can remind me that if I didn't lick the peanut butter off my finger I would of lost more!

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