Did you know that as we age, the beneficial bacteria (a.k.a "good bacteria") in our body declines?
Eventually, the "friendly bacteria" just naturally ages and loses their "life" or vitality
So what happens and why does it decline?.
■If you eat too fast!
■If you eat too many processed foods that are void of digestive enzymes
■Ingesting NSAIDS like Advil, Motrin, Midol too frequently can be destructive to the intestinal wall.
■Eating all MEAT (other than organic)! As they are loaded with antibiotics which destroy all good bacteria in your intestinal tract.
■Having a diet high in fats and meats as they take a lot longer to break down, which promotes the groeth of harmful bacteria
■Being constipated
■Cigarettes, Alcohol and stress
■Being on Antibiotics
So what are Prebiotics & Probiotics:
Prebiotics and probiotics can restore the balance of bacteria in your digestive tract.
Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can be found in various foods. When you eat probiotics, you will add these healthy bacteria to your intestinal tract.
Prebiotics are non-digestible foods that make their way through our digestive system and help good bacteria grow and flourish. Prebiotics keep beneficial bacteria healthy.
Probiotics are widely available as supplements. However, not all probiotic supplements are created equal. The prebiotics may be taken as a supplement or may be added to your health foods.
Personally, I use Shakeology, Available only through Beachbody coaches. This satisfies the complete nutritional needs in vitamins, fruits & veggies, as well as prebiotics and probiotics. Just have one shake in place of one of your meals a day, you will see marked improvement in just 1 week. To learn more about Shakeology visit http://www.shakeology.com/lzimmer
Many researchers believe declining levels of bifidobacteria in the large intestine actually mark the eventual onset of chronic degenerative disease.
Tip for starting with adding prebiotics and probiotics to your diet: start slowly. When you first start using a probiotic supplement, there is a chance that you will experience a die-off of bad bacteria in your intestinal tract. This can lead to gas, stomach rumblings and cramping for up to three weeks. Additionally, try eating less processed foods and eat more raw foods to avoid killing naturally occurring digestive enzymes.