Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Insanity Quotes

I have to say, Shaun has some great one liners if you can hear them over your breathing while doing Insanity! Here's some I like, feel free to add your own!

And I’m smilin cause I love it!

Sccooooooooooo “let’s gooooooooo”

Ready? Jack it out! We start to jack a little faster! Jack it out!

We good y’all?

But it’s not cardio it’s control.

I’m talking spit!

That sh*t is bananas yo!

I’m so tired I don’t know the name of my moves.

Shaun T is starting to sweat

Your muscles are nice an warm right now so you can stretch real goood.

Grab a Shaun T

Insanity is not sexist

30 second water break.. drink your water.. you only get 30 seconds people this isn’t a coffee break

This is the time when Shaun T. needs to take a break

And a little set up for this one, when the girl says she wants to leave and he is like…. you wanna… go take a break. All confused looking.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Importance of Pre-Biotics and Pro-Biotics in your diet

Did you know that as we age, the beneficial bacteria (a.k.a "good bacteria") in our body declines?


Eventually, the "friendly bacteria" just naturally ages and loses their "life" or vitality

So what happens and why does it decline?.
■If you eat too fast!
■If you eat too many processed foods that are void of digestive enzymes
■Ingesting NSAIDS like Advil, Motrin, Midol too frequently can be destructive to the intestinal wall.
■Eating all MEAT (other than organic)! As they are loaded with antibiotics which destroy all good bacteria in your intestinal tract.
■Having a diet high in fats and meats as they take a lot longer to break down, which promotes the groeth of harmful bacteria
■Being constipated
■Cigarettes, Alcohol and stress
■Being on Antibiotics


So what are Prebiotics & Probiotics:

Prebiotics and probiotics can restore the balance of bacteria in your digestive tract.


Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can be found in various foods. When you eat probiotics, you will add these healthy bacteria to your intestinal tract.


Prebiotics are non-digestible foods that make their way through our digestive system and help good bacteria grow and flourish. Prebiotics keep beneficial bacteria healthy.



Probiotics are widely available as supplements. However, not all probiotic supplements are created equal. The prebiotics may be taken as a supplement or may be added to your health foods.


Personally, I use Shakeology, Available only through Beachbody coaches. This satisfies the complete nutritional needs in vitamins, fruits & veggies, as well as prebiotics and probiotics. Just have one shake in place of one of your meals a day, you will see marked improvement in just 1 week. To learn more about Shakeology visit http://www.shakeology.com/lzimmer


Many researchers believe declining levels of bifidobacteria in the large intestine actually mark the eventual onset of chronic degenerative disease.


Tip for starting with adding prebiotics and probiotics to your diet: start slowly. When you first start using a probiotic supplement, there is a chance that you will experience a die-off of bad bacteria in your intestinal tract. This can lead to gas, stomach rumblings and cramping for up to three weeks. Additionally, try eating less processed foods and eat more raw foods to avoid killing naturally occurring digestive enzymes.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Shakeology 3 day Cleanse Information

The Shakeology cleanse is not like the Master Cleanse and it is not like fasting. It’s a nutrient dense way of eating for three days (max) that allows your body to run through a “wash cycle” of sorts. The clean, simple, easy to digest food allows the body to process any waste and the fiber in the salad and shakes act like a towel in your system for a squeaky clean start to your diet or to break a plateau. This is a performance cleanse, so it’s meant to still allow the individual the energy and nutrition to still workout and function.

You get around 800-1200 calories a day (depending on fruit intake) if you follow the plan, so you won’t be a zombie for three days. At the same time, there are not enough carbs to fuel an intense workout so only do this cleanse on recovery weeks/days. The cleanse can also be modified to 1 or 2 days to fit your liking or schedule.

The basics are as follows:
3 Shakeology Shakes a day
You’ll need 9 servings so you can split an order of Shakelogy (24-30 servings) between 3 people for only $40 each instead of the full price.
2 Cups of Green Tea a Day (Triple Leaf Detox Tea is a good one, but my local store didn’t have it so I just got a decaf green tea)
1+ piece of fruit a day (optional, to fit your calorie needs)
1 big leafy salad for dinner (with only white grilled protein in salad)
NO DAIRY (or almond, soy, or rice milk) and NO EXTRA SUGARS
Only Low Fat Dressings.
You can put your 2 snacks before/after any of the MAJOR MEALS – Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

So each day of the cleanse would look something like this:

1 cup of green tea (Triple Leaf Detox Tea is a good one)

1 scoop Shakeology with water and ice (140 calories)
½ cup of fruit (60-90 calories) OPTIONAL

1 piece of fruit (85 calories)
- Apple, pear, orange, banana mango, etc

1 scoop Shakeology with water and ice (140 calories)

1 cup of green tea

(either snack here or after dinner one or the other)
1 scoop Shakeology with water and ice (140 calories)

Salad with grilled white fish or poultry (340 calories)

How many calories per day?
800 to 1,100 calories per day
How often can I do the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse?
~ Ideally, you should do it once per quarter (every 3 months)
~ As the seasons change
~ When you start a new workout program
~ When you feel you need help breaking through a plateau

Should/Can I still do my workouts during the Cleanse?
~ Depends on the individual
~ You’ll have less energy, so consider doing it during your recovery week
~ Don’t do it in the middle of P90X or Insanity unless it’s a recovery week

Can I do a 1-day or a 2-day cleanse instead of a 3-day?
~ Yes, some people will see results in one or two days!
~ It is not recommended to do the cleanse for longer than 3 days.

Should/Can I take other Beachbody® supplements during the Cleanse?
~ No Beachbody Recovery Drink as it as too much sugar.
~ All other Beachbody supplements are not necessary but won’t hurt.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

You want a piece of pie?

So, I was thinking.  Yeah, I know what am I doing thinking?  I may strain something!  I did it and here's what I came up with.

You all know how passionate I am about being a Beachbody coach right?  I 110% love love love everyone I have met.  I love love love the opportunity to reach out and help others.  I love love love how I have grown as a person with this business.  The accountability that comes with being a coach has helped me maintain my fitness goals.  And of course I can't deny, it's freaking awesome that I get paid for this when it doesn't really feel like work.  Did I say I love it?

So, here's what got me scratching my head.  Why wouldn't any of YOU want to be a part of this?  At the end of last year Beachbody waived all sign up fees!  It was AMAZING to watch people sign up and start their business going.  One of my girls who did it has made success club!  I know that means nothing to most of you but she got in the biz free, has LOW monthly business fees (14.95/month) and has done AMAZING with her business.  Makes a mentor proud!

I want you to think about it.  You can watch a couple of videos I have posted, email me with questions talk to your family and friends.  Whatever your process is, just think about it.  Then, if you decide to take the plunge into this opportunity, I will reimburse your start up fee (39.95).  I will be clear and say I get no "bonus" or anything if you sign, I am just that serious about wanting you on my team.  All you have to do in return is sign up for Shakeology on Home Direct (HD).  It's a steal when you're a coach at 25% off and with HD you get FREE shipping every month!!  And then commit to starting a fitness program and FINISHING it!  Get some friends in on it for added accountability and fun!  Hey, if you get Insanity by April 11th you can join me and another coach in that for even MORE fun! 

I will offer the reimbursement through April 1st.  So, watch a few of these videos when you have time.  Contact me with any questions.  Sign up as a coach with me.  Get yourself on Shakeology HD.  Get yourself set in a workout program.  And I'll give you your 39.95 back, AND I am your biz mentor so we will work together to reach any financial/personal goals you have.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Skinny on Bread

From doughy white slices to the crustiest artisanal loaf, here’s what to look for when buying the staff of life.

Who hasn’t heard that bread is fattening? Some people would have you believe that eating a slice is akin to downing an entire birthday cake, frosting and all. But in reality, if you stick to whole grains, bread can be downright healthy. Here’s a guide to navigating the bread aisle.

The whole-grain shebang:

Whole grains — for example, wheat flour milled using the entire grain, which preserves all the fiber, vitamins and minerals — have multiple health benefits. According to the USDA, people who consume at least three servings of whole grains each day are at lower risk for diabetes and heart disease. And several studies have shown that diets high in whole grains are associated with lower body weight.
What to look for at the store:

The supermarket bread aisle overflows with options. Some advice: Read packages carefully. Ingredients are listed in proportional order, so if the first item doesn’t begin with the word “whole,” beware. Even if it’s the second or third item, the amount may not be substantial.

Multigrain breads are trickier, since each individual grain is only a small portion of the recipe, but taken all together the whole-grain content may be superb. Other whole grains you might see include barley, brown rice, buckwheat, bulgur (cracked wheat), corn, millet, oats, rye and spelt. Ideally, you’re looking for 16 grams of whole grains in a serving — most bread that meets this level will mention it somewhere on the package. This advice works across the board for sliced bread, English muffins, bagels, wraps — you name it.
What to avoid:

When you’re reading the label, steer clear of breads with predominantly “white flour,” “enriched white flour” or “wheat flour” — all three terms signify that the grain has been refined: stripped of the nutrient- and fiber-rich bran and germ. All you’re getting here is the starchy stuff, with none of the health benefits. Also look at what kind of fats are listed, and avoid trans fats (partially hydrogenated, vegetable oil shortening or hydrogenated vegetable oil). These are the fats that can increase your risk for heart disease. None of them are essential in bread-baking, so they’re easy to dodge.

At the bakery:

Without a package to read, it’s difficult to know for sure exactly what you’re getting with bakery bread. But there are some rules of thumb: Look for whole-wheat bread. Ask if you can pick up the loaf before buying, and if it’s lighter than air, don’t buy it. Generally speaking, the heftier the bread, the higher the whole-grain content. And don’t be afraid to ask questions! Bakers are often proud to discuss their product and will be more than happy to tout high-quality ingredients.

More Bread-Aisle Food for Thought

Whole white wheat:

If you (or your kids) don’t like the hearty taste of whole-grain breads, this option uses an albino variety of the grain, which is not only lighter in color but also milder in flavor. Double-check that you’re buying whole white wheat, though, or you may wind up with refined flour, which offers very little nutritional value.

Light breads:

Choosing bread isn’t only about whole grains; carbs, protein, fat and fiber should be taken into account too. Light whole-grain breads can save calories while still offering fiber to keep you feeling satisfied.

Organic breads:

More a question of overall health benefits than dietary ones. The ingredients are grown without pesticides, herbicides or fungicides, which may be beneficial to your body and the planet, but won’t make much difference nutritionally.

The Perfect Posture Workout

If you work at a desk all day, you’ve probably found yourself slouched down in your chair with an aching neck, back and shoulders. Did you know that strengthening these areas (along with sitting up straight) can help alleviate this discomfort? This workout is geared to strengthen not only your neck, shoulder and back muscles, but also the supporting core muscles of your mid-section. As your posture improves, you’ll not only feel better, your elongated spine and strong shoulders will help you stand straighter and look thinner!
Remember to complement this workout with regular stretching to help keep your muscles flexible. Perform these exercises two to three times per week as part of a well-rounded fitness program for maximum benefit.

Before you begin, perform a warm-up of 5 to 10 minutes of light cardio exercise. The goal is to get your heart rate up and raise your body’s core temperature, so choose an activity that you enjoy. Many people ride a stationary bike or walk on a treadmill, but if that’s not your style, perhaps try a rowing machine or elliptical trainer. You may also want to lightly stretch the muscles you’re going to be working. When lifting weights, it’s advisable to perform a few “warm-up” repetitions with lighter weight to help prepare the muscles and joints for heavier weight to come.

Exercise 1:

Bent-Over Machine Rows

Stand facing the low cable machine with feet shoulder-width apart. Attach a straight-bar handle and grip it with your palms facing down and hands shoulder-width apart. Bend knees slightly and lean forward at the waist. Inhale, and as you exhale, pull the bar up to the level of your upper abdomen. As you pull, squeeze your back muscles together as if pinching a grape between your shoulder blades. Inhale as you slowly return to the starting position.
12 Reps, 2 sets, 30 second rest between reps

Exercise 2:

Wide-Grip Lat Pulldowns

Sit facing the lat pulldown machine with your knees locked under the roller pads. Grip the pulldown bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and palms facing forward. Lean back slightly from the waist keeping your back straight. Inhale and then exhale as you pull the bar down in front of your face until it reaches your upper chest. Inhale as you return to the starting position.
12 Reps, 2 sets, 30 second rest between reps

Exercise 3:

Bent-Over Rear Delt Flys

Attach a single handle to the low pulley of the cable machine. Stand perpendicular to the machine with feet shoulder-width apart. Grip the handle with the hand furthest from the machine. Bend your knees slightly and bend slightly forward at your waist. Inhale and then exhale as you arc your arm up and out to the side. Keep a slight bend in your elbow and squeeze the back of your shoulder. Inhale as you slowly return to the starting position. Repeat with the opposite arm.
12 Reps, 2 sets, 30 second rest between reps.

Exercise 4:

Upright Rows

Attach the straight bar to the low pulley on the cable machine. Stand facing the machine with feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the bar with a palms-down grip and hands about 4 to 6 inches apart. Inhale and then exhale as you pull the bar up to chest level. Keep elbows above the level of your hands at all times. Inhale as you slowly return to the starting position.
12 Reps, 2 sets, 30 second rest between reps.

Exercise 5:

Lumbar Back Extensions

Straddle the Roman chair with the leg pads behind you. Climb into position by putting your hands on the grips and sliding forward on your belly until feet are locked in under the heel pads and your waist extends off the front of the machine. Cross your arms across your chest. Inhale as you gradually lower yourself, bending only at the waist. Exhale as you slowly return to the starting position.
12 Reps, 2 sets, 30 second rest between reps

Exercise 6:

Roman Chair Side Bends

Position yourself sideways on the Roman chair, and hook your feet underneath the foot bar. Start with your torso parallel to the ground. Inhale and then exhale as you curl body sideways, toward the ceiling, using your oblique (side) muscles. Inhale as you slowly return to the starting position. (Note: This exercise is uncomfortable for some people with pre-existing back pain. Do not perform this if you feel any discomfort.)
12 Reps, 2 sets, 30 second rest between reps

Exercise 7:

Roman Chair Ab Crunches

Sit facing backwards on the Roman chair, and hook your feet under the foot bar. Lean back until your torso is parallel with the ground. (Note: Do not hyperextend your lower back.) Inhale and then exhale as you use your abs to bring your torso up to an upright sitting position. Inhale as you slowly return to the starting position.
12 Reps, 2 sets, 30 second rest between reps